
Read about my health journey and how I got to where I am, here.

Below are recipes that make regular appearances in my kitchen. I find most of my recipes online, in cookbooks, Pinterest and some are even my own! All the recipes are vegetarian, wheat-free, processed sugar free and some are dairy free. I have chopped and changed a few of the original recipes so it suits my food intolerances and therefore they are posted as I have made them.
Usually if a recipe contains sugar I substitute it with honey, rice malt syrup, 100% maple syrup, dates or stevia, depending on what the recipe is. You can substitute dairy milk for rice, almond, oat milk (found in the supermarket or make your own). I will continue to add more to this page as I experiment with and discover new foods and delicious recipes.

I am not a nutritionist, dietician, naturopath, chef or any kind of specialised health practitioner. But I have sought advise from  these people along with my own research and education on food and health. These recipes and the food I eat simply work for me and my body and are free for you to enjoy and indulge guilt free whatever food choices or intolerances you may have.

All photographs were taken by my me!


Breakfast Loaf (Paleo!)

Oat pancakes with raw vegan Nutella

Spelt, oat and date scones

Lunch and Dinner

Earth Burgers

Sweet potato + chickpea curry

Mushroom stroganoff

Cauliflower quiche with pear, rocket and parmesan salad

Black bean patties with quinoa, spinach + avocado (vegan-friendly)

Green pea + Spinach risotto (aka- Shrek risotto)

Quinoa salad with Buckwheat and Cranberries (vegan)

Zucchini fritters

For the "in between"

1 comment:

  1. You are such an inspiration! Now that uni is finished, I am starting to bake and get healthy - first place I look to is to your blog and your recipes!

    Much love,
    Cass AB
